
Help Centre

Browse our documentation for tilr Workforce.
  • What is Onboarding?
  • A guide to Onboarding
  • How to use the screens
  • What Onboarding asks
  • Home
  • Overview
  • Skills Management
  • Courses
  • Mentorship
  • Team Search
  • Team Overview
  • Team and Skills View
  • Search for Employee
  • View Profiles
  • Configure Skills
  • Skills Comparison
  • Suggesting Courses
  • Search for Skills
  • View Profile
  • Find Courses
  • My Courses
  • Course Request
  • Course Management
  • Email Notifications
  • Mentorship Profile
  • Find a Mentor
  • Mentorship Request
  • Completing Mentorship
  • Create Pathway
  • Enrolled Pathways
  • Published States
  • Create custom content
  • Status
  • Send Welcome Emails
  • General Settings
  • Course Management
  • Tags
  • Permissions

Custom Content

Custom Content gives Administrators the ability to upload a course for Learners to discover in their Find Courses screen.

tilr supports SCORM 1.2 zip files.

Create custom content

Step 1: In a course creation platform like Articulate export a SCORM 1.3 zip file.

Follow these export settings:

  • Export Type - LMS
  • LMS - SCORM 1.2
  • Tracking - Track using course completion 100%
  • Reporting - Passed/Incomplete
  • Exit Course Link - Off
Export Settings in Articulate

Step 2: Go to tilr > Custom Content > Create Course (button in the top right corner of the screen)

Step 3: Fill in the course details which will appear on the Course Card in Learner's Find Course screen

  1. Course title
  2. Course description
  3. Tag skills - these skills are how Learners will discover the course and will be added to their Skills Profile upon completing it
  4. Course level
  5. Language
  6. Course duration

Step 4: Click "Create Course". It will take a few moments for tilr to process and then the course status will appear as "Active". Now the course is discoverable to Learners in Find Courses.


Courses can either be Active or Archived

Course status

Active courses are discoverable to Learners in the Find Courses screen.

Active courses can be edited by clicking "Edit". This will re-open the course details screen.

Active courses can be Archived.


Archived courses are not findable by Learners in the Find Courses screen so no new Learners can register.

Learners that are registered for a course when it is moved to an Archived state are able to complete the course.

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